
Friday, October 17, 2014

Oct 17

The Words today have been more on do you have ears to hear.

I have awakened some now – as messengers to tell what is to come. Do you have ears to hear?

Yes daughter – My time has arrived. Calling all that have ears to hear to listen closely.  My sky will be parting shortly, bringing in what has been told ages past. You have to understand that the most profound time – event, is on its way Children. Concern yourselves with family and friends. Standing strong in this time of adversity. These are the days coming on the earth like those of the days of Noah – darkness way more than you can allow your minds to dream up. I am here for my chosen. I am coming to give you, your chosen jobs – You will know them like the back of your hand. Nothing will stop my End Time Army.  The Harvest will be great. You will be overwhelmed by this last chance before I take all called ---- HOME.  Chaos will pursue this Earth like never before, but my chosen will be unstoppable, Secure in me as they attend ~each to their chosen tasks.

Defeat Children is only a word for the wicked. You will take this event by storm, and when over, ~all is done.  We will hand over the left overs to the enemy, to deal with, and we GO!

Stand Ready
Stand Strong

Lift up your eyes to the Heavens, where your help comes from. Be ye doers of the Word Now. Prepare your hearts as this is the time for which you were purposed. Believe with all your hearts Children – Your God_ Your Bridegroom has picked each and every one of you specifically for this task.

Soon to Come.

Pray – Meditate,  as I am readying you for the most wonderful surprise of your whole entire life – Since I knit you in your Mother’s Womb!

I have awakened some now – as messengers to tell what is to come! 
Do you have Ears to Hear? 
This is your Lord and Saviour speaking.

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