
Thursday, October 16, 2014

Not Much Longer Now...

Oct 16
Words from the Lord

Oct 16

Bless you daughter for this day is here –
My priority for my children is to know Me more and more. Let my leading center you on my heart, as this happens, you will be encouraged, in this time of anticipation, for my plan to commence.  Children hope is only in me. Purpose your day around what I call you to do, for everyday is very meaningful. (the very purpose , you were set here in this time) I made you to this exact time. I know your longing, I see each of your hearts. What encouragement for me to see you yearning . (that which I put in you). My children the day draws near, there is no turning back. Just know every day means something to the finished product. This stage is the hardest as you don’t see what is spiritual. Be at peace, my Dears, every prayer is heard, every moan and groan of your heart is taken note of.

My Dears have so much Faith. Many have to see to believe, but my special Children let the logical go, and stand knowing without the seeing. Faith…. That is what makes you different in this world. My promises are forever. Taking on these promises will make you stand firm in all kinds of adversity. I will never leave you or forsake you. Be hopeful Dear Ones. Stay hopeful. For your Creator ~Bridegroom never misses a beat. Hang in there , not too long now, and we will be celebrating into eternity.

I love you with all my heart. Jesus

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